Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Absolute Faith

Our trip is coming up very fast. Way back it seemed like we had lots of time, but now we are counting the days! God has been working in all of us and teaching us so many things. Something very interesting has happened to me in the past month or so which I will share with you.

It's 2009, but I for one was 'scared' of the computer age and I really didn't want one. For one thing, I didn't feel like learning how to use it! It seemed beyond me. But anyways, between my own children and grandchildren they finally talked me into it - I succumbed. Well, with their help I have actually learned to do the very basics. Emailing is my favorite, and even preparing for our missions trip we have done a lot of planning and saved a lot of time using it.

About a month ago I noticed that when I was getting emails I would get multiples of the same one. I didn't understand why it was doing this and I called my personal computer tech (my son). He couldn't really help me over the phone. I called Shaw and my computer company and they could not help me either. This went on for a couple of weeks. My emails were piling up and when I would try to delete them, they would come back "a hundred fold." With the deleted items and the Inbox, there were probably about 1,200 or more emails. Frustration City!!!

Then one morning, I was putting a load of laundry in my washer and my washer was acting up big time. Now what!! All I could see was that I would have to spend money on fixing my washing machine as well as my computer... money that was going for my trip!! When I walked out of my laundry room, it hit me... 'Satanic attack.' I believe God impressed that on my mind. So I prayed against Satan to get out of my house and leave my possessions alone, my washing machine, etc. And then I thought of my computer, that maybe he was messing with that too. After all, he does not want us to go to Austria and see what God is doing, so he wants to trip us up any way he can. So I went to my computer room and prayed over my computer. (I know you probably think by now that I am off the deep end, but this is what happened.) I renounced Satan in no uncertain terms and gave my computer to God to be used for His purposes and His Glory!!

So I went about my day and later on I decided I would try to finish the load of laundry that was still in my washer. It worked. Just like it was supposed to. Nothing wrong with it. So I dared to go to my computer and deleted about 20 emails. Half and hour later they had not returned! So I praised God and started deleting and deleting and deleting old emails. It worked!

Lessons learned? Yes, for sure. I learned again, "Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." Also, that we truly are in a spiritual battle here on this earth. This is real. I need to be alert! I need to put on my armour so I am protected (Ephesians 6). But, I NEVER NEED TO BE AFRAID. God is always with me and He has promised that He will never leave me or forsake me. No matter how big or small my problems are, He has the answers.

Please continue to pray for our team and also for our families.
Thank you so much, and God bless you lots.
- Dorothy -

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome to hear that story and see the power of God in every aspect of our lives. (even technical) It seems like whenever we are faced with any decision in life, we are deciding between faith or fear. It is exciting to see that this team is choosing faith no matter the cost. Thanks for your awesome example!!

    Dave B.


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